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Monthly Archives: August 2017

Bumbershoot 2017 Lights Up Stagecraft, Art, Code, Comedy & Film plus Live Streaming to...

This year's Bumbershoot continues its legacy of celebrating innovation and the search for what’s next in the multi-disciplinary art forms of dance, film, literacy,...

Amazon Expands Retail Footprint With Bellevue, Fresh Grocer Footholds

A new Amazon brick-and-mortar bookstore opens today in Bellevue Square, making it a "tech twin" with the first, proto-store in Seattle's University Village. "Bell...

Saving Lives — There’s an App for That!

It is a well-known fact that there is more computing power in today’s iPhone than there was on the Apollo spacecraft mission that landed the...

Tech-spresso News Shots from Around the Sound

Vern Fonk Goes Wonk — Deploys Conversica AI Artificial? Vern Fonk Insurance is legendary for its parodies of pop culture in kitschy television advertising. Intelligent!  The company...

How to Have A Fierce Conversation: The Seattle24x7 “How-To” Interview with Susan Scott

When Fierce Conversations was published in 2002, (a new edition was released in May, 2017), it rocketed up the best-seller list and made Susan Scott one of the most sought-after...

“The International” DOTA 2 Championships Steam Into Seattle, Stream Live to You

Returning to Seattle for the fourth consecutive year, the eyes of the international gaming world are once again riveted on Key Arena as the...

Making Impact for NW Business, Joe Sky-Tucker Fosters Success from Square One

What’s in a name? If the name is Business Impact NW, formerly known as Community Capital Development, it’s a name that can represent a hard-to-find loan to start a business,...