When: Wednesday, January 16, 5:00pm-8:15pm
Where: Washington State Convention Center, 800 Convention Place, North Galleria (Room 3A / 3B / Foyer area), Seattle
What: We have entered the age of Big Data. According to some studies, as much as 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone. Big data comes from everywhere – sensors used to gather climate information, user posts to social media sites, digital pictures and videos, purchase transaction records, and cell phone transactions to name just a few. Join on Wednesday, January 16th to hear about the impact and opportunities created by the growth of Big Data.
Big Data is somewhat of a marketing term (remember “Cloud”?) that is being overused, but it represents a whole group of related technologies which revolve around the collection, analysis and usage of very large volumes of data. These things are happening in ways that have only become feasible due to various technical breakthroughs in the last 2-3 years.
This program will attempt to cut through the marketing hype and present a framework for discussing Big Data which breaks it down into segments with unique characteristics and clearly defined opportunities.
Key discussion areas:
Who: Moderated by Managing Partner of Madrona Venture Partners, Len Jordan:
How Much:
Early Registration Will End on January 7th, 2013
How: Register online