Retailization of Healthcare – Responding to a new Consumer Landscape, PSAMA
When: Thursday, March 28, 2013, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Where: The Harbor Club, 801 2nd Ave #1700, Seattle
What: How much is consumerism and retail defining the delivery and consumption of care? Join a panel of industry leading companies as they share their different plans and perspectives on the Retailzation of Healthcare: Responding to a New Consumer Landscape. Featured panelists include Dave Sanders, CEO of ZoomCare, Tracy Corgiat, VP of Marketing and Development at the Polyclinic, and Kipepeo Brown, Director of Marketing for Overlake Medical Center. They’ll compare and contrast how consumers are driving primary care delivery innovation and how each company is marketing their models/services to remain competitive in a retail market.
How Much: Members- $45.00, Non-Members- $55.00, Students- $45.00
How: Register online: