Mentor Monday: Joanna Lord, NWEN
When: Monday, July 29, 2013, 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Where: The Hub, 220 2nd Avenue South, Seattle
What: So you have an idea for a startup? What next? Time to discuss it with someone, and get some feedback. Let’s introduce you to Mentor Mondays – A collaboration between NWEN and Founder Institute Seattle, and typically on the second Monday of every month at the Hub Seattle.
Who: Joanna Lord is CMO of BigDoor, a consumer engagement startup out of Seattle. While she currently heads up BigDoor’s marketing efforts, she is also a well-known social media enthusiast and frequent conference speaker. Her diverse experience in performance marketing, inbound marketing, data analysis and retention programs enables her to provide tactical strategies that work.
How Much: $5
How: Register online.