Who: Russ Riddle’s Corral Your CA$H Cow!Where: Mercer Island Community Center, 8236 Southeast 24th Street, Mercer IslandWhen: Sat, Nov 7, 10:00am-4:00pmWhat: In the speaking business, your most valuable asset is your intellectual property. This session saddles you up to better legally protect, manage and fatten that cash cow of your speaking business all while having fun! Russ Riddle serves up quick wit, humorous storytelling and poignant tips, keeping you involved from start to finish. Meeting is open to all is from 10 am – 2 pm.Russ will be hosting a private workshop for Professional Members and Aspiring Speakers only! Russ will share and explain legal documents that you can immediately adapt and use in your business.Workshop is only open to Professional Members and Aspiring Speakers is from 2-4 pm. We will be starting promptly!
Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/russ-riddles-corral-your-cah- cow-tickets-17050325984
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 707-999-7757
Contact: Mel DePaoli
COST: $25-$45