Gnome — according to folk tales, one of a race of beings, usually magical, who live in the earth guarding treasure (in today’s parlance: podcasting devices, PDA’s, sub-notebooks, IM gadgets, Wi-Fi hotspots and other tech wizardry).
The gnomes of Zürich — international bankers and financiers, especially those based in Switzerland
The gnome of Seattle and of Lockergnome — Chris Pirillo, luminescent upstart, member of the technoscenti, media personality, marketing powerhouse, infopreneur and book author. Chris managed to escape the mudsliding canyons of southern California a year ago and seek techncial asylum here in the Puget Sound. A prodigious prognosticator, Chris is also the founder and publisher of Lockergnome, a pre-blog era compendium of all things technology including a multitude of E-mail newsletters and RSS News feeds on a sweeping array of topics.
Thousands of tech fans have been able to spot Chris on sight since he became a veritable fixture on the TechTV network, specifically for fixing what was troubleshod. Today, as Seattle’s newest rain-loving gnome, Chris is the organizer, promoter and evangelist behind a unique convocation of tech-thusiasts each year known as Gnomedex.
Put simply, Gnomedex is an annual confluence of influencers, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts who converge to match wits and wisdom on the grassroots of RSS, Blogging, Podcasting, and BitTorrent Media, among other provocative subjects! The event took place June 23-25, 2005 at the Bell Harbor Conference Center complete with unlimited Wi-Fi bandwidth (all you can eat) and Power Strips for each and every seat and device an attendee may have on hand, head and laptop.
According to Pirillo, Gnomedex is tomorrow’s business model brought to life, an awesome people aggregator and a cool way to tap into the “conversation” economy. It’s also one of the most affordable conferences of its kind at just $399 (or $349 as a past Gnomedexer or WSA member) .
The 2005 keynoters include Adam Curry, who
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Pirillo gets a grip on it all at Gnomedex!
evolved at hyperspeed from the world’s first VJ for MTV to a trailblazing leader of the podcasting revolution. Also joining the cast of cognoscenti will be keynoter Dave Winer, the publisher of Scripting News. Many will recognize Dave as a contributing editor at Wired in the mid-90s and a fellow at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for the Internet & Society in recent years. He has hosted two BloggerCon user conferences at Harvard University, and one at Stanford University. He’s bringing a “BloggerCon” flavor to Gnomedex this year,
All hail the new gnome of Seattle and his annual festival of the digital arts at Gnomedex 5.0! [24×7]