Home What's Brewing? Cyber Monday Abbondanza!

Cyber Monday Abbondanza!

As if in sync with the opening of its brand new online store in Italy, Black Friday and Black Monday have arrived on the Web Abbondanza, “in great abundance,” for Amazon.com.

According to comScore, Amazon saw a 25% spike in unique visitors on Black Friday this year, compared to increases of 9% and 1% for Target and Best Buy’s sites, respectively.

Four retail properties surpassed four million U.S. unique visitors on Black Friday, with mixed results in comparison to last year. Amazon Sites were the most visited retail property on Black Friday, growing 25 percent from the corresponding shopping day a year ago, followed by Walmart, which saw a marginal decline of 1 percent. Target Corporation (up 9 percent) and Best Buy Sites (up 1 percent) rounded out the top four.

Growth in Unique Visitors Among Top 4 Most Visited Retailer Properties on Black Friday

Excludes Auction Sites (e.g. eBay)

Black Friday 2010 vs. Black Friday 2009

Total U.S. – Home/Work/University Locations

Source: comScore, Inc.

Retail Property Percent Change in Unique Visitors
Amazon Sites 25%
Walmart -1%
Target Corporation 9%
Best Buy Sites 1%

“Amazon, with a sizeable increase in traffic on Black Friday, continues to experience remarkable success during the holiday season,” added comscore. “We will be watching closely to see if the leading online retailer is able to sustain this momentum through Cyber Monday and into the heart of the online shopping season.”

Hundreds οf Cyber Monday Deals

Amazon customers wіll continue tο see fаntаѕtіс deals through CyberMonday,” ѕаіd Craig Berman, vice president οf Global Communications fοr Amazon.com. “Thеу’ll find awesome prices οn TVs, digital video cameras, video games аnd more. And fοr those venturing tο stores, thе Price Check bу Amazon iPhone App іѕ a fаntаѕtіс way tο quickly check іn-store prices tο those οn Amazon.”

Here’s a sneak peek аt ѕοmе οf the Amazon deals thаt wіll bе available аt various times through Cyber Monday. Customers ѕhουld mаkе sure tο check www.amazon.com/cybermonday οftеn fοr a:

VIZIO 47-Inch 1080p LCD HDTV

Panasonic S50 Camcorder

Nokia N8 Touchscreen Phone

BlackBerry phones frοm аll carriers starting аt $.01 аt AmazonWireless
(wіth a nеw contract, includes waived activation fee)

TomTom XXL 5-Inch Widescreen Portable GPS Navigator

Free Gο game wіth bυу οf PlayStation Gο Starter Bundle

Fallout: Nеw Vegas: .99 (list price: .99)

iHome Portable Stereo Alarm Clock fοr iPod аnd iPhone: .99 (list
price: 9.99)

Save up tο 50% οn select games frοm Hasbro, ThinkFun, University
Games, Mindware аnd more.

Microsoft’s Local Love

As if a Miley Cyrus concert weren’t enough to excite local youth, Microsoft celebrated the launch of the software company’s new Bellevue store downtown by recognizing the importance of technology in public education.  Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer and Chief Operating Officer Kevin Turner presented Assistant Superintendent Eva Collins with a hefty check of $200,000 for the Bellevue School District. [24×7]

Three Things You Never Knew About SEO Impressario Rand Fishkin of SEOmoz

ZDNet presented an interview last week with Seattle SEO impressario Rank Fishkin and revealed three things you may have never known about randfish.  #1 – “I’ve never owned a car. I bought a scooter in 2008, and that was my first and only vehicle.”  #2 – “I’m a huge fan of 19th and 20th century art; Homer, Hopper, Seurat and Chagall in particular.”  And #3 – “I don’t use an RSS reader or a Twitter client; I’m still a manual website visitor (I just like the “feel” of the site when I’m reading its content).”  It’s nice to know Rand is only human after all.  (We thought part cyborg for his indefatigable blog output). Read the rest of the interview at ZDNet’s SEO Whistleblower.  [24×7]

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