Home What's Brewing? Spring Cleaning Accelerated! Cascadia CleanTech Invites Startups

Spring Cleaning Accelerated! Cascadia CleanTech Invites Startups

The CleanTech Alliance has launched a new business accelerator that will assist cleantech startups throughout the Pacific Northwest by leveraging the region’s unique clean technology business and research assets.

cleantechcascadiaThe Cascadia CleanTech Accelerator, co-sponsored with Oregon Bestwill tap an extensive regional network of cleantech expertise, organizations and research labs to deliver mentorship, access, curriculum and other forms of support designed specifically for early-stage cleantech startups founded in the Pacific Northwest.

The Cascadia CleanTech Accelerator will focus on business modeling, customer discovery and product development, go-to-market strategy, financing and funding and creation of industry connections needed to succeed. Each participating cleantech startup will receive:

Mentorship from cleantech industry leaders to help with business planning, intellectual property protection, marketing, financing and more.

Connections throughout the networks of both Oregon BEST and the CleanTech Alliance to provide access to industry leaders, service providers and investors from across the region.

Hands-on business and financing workshops to assist with business model creation, product development, market development and funding strategies.

Customer discovery assistance to hone minimally viable product and go-to-market strategy.

Company and brand visibility from established CleanTech Alliance and Oregon BEST industry events, programs and marketing outreach.

Access to prize money. Participating teams compete for three cash prizes totaling $10,000, plus in-kind services from accelerator partners

Cleantech“Connections matter for cleantech startups. Getting in front of the right partner, customer or investor at the right time can mean the difference between accelerated success or prolonged frustration,” said J. Thomas Ranken, President and CEO of the CleanTech Alliance.

“The CleanTech Alliance and Oregon BEST both have the industry connections and expertise in place to assist early-stage cleantech startups, giving them a leg up on long-term viability.”

Applications for the 2016 Cascadia CleanTech Accelerator program close May 15th. Because it is non-dilutive, startups can take part in the Cascadia CleanTech Accelerator as a standalone offering or as an add-on with other business accelerators or incubators.

To learn more, visit www.CascadiaCleanTech.org or contact Gabe Boeckman at gabe@cleantechalliance.org or Vanessa Margolis at vanessa.margolis@oregonbest.org. [24×7]