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5-Day Data Science & Data Engineering Bootcamp, May 23

May 23, 2016


DSC_2462-3-300x153 (1)Who: Data Science Dojo
Where: Workspring Marriott, Redmond, 7401 164th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052
When: May 23
What: At Data Science Dojo, we believe that anyone can learn data science – really, anyone. More than 1600 professionals from over 190 companies globally who have attended our training recommend us. Read their testimonials here.

We offer one of the most comprehensive data science curriculums in the industry. Bootcamp attendees are trained in machine learning concepts, deploy predictive models as a service, complete an IoT (Internet of Things) project and enter a Kaggle competition during the bootcamp. The next Seattle Bootcamp is May 23 – 27, 2016.

Our attendees come from diverse backgrounds, including software development, medicine, education, project management, public service, finance, and more. Our experienced teaching team has iteratively refined the curriculum so you can tackle real world problems right away. Our hands-on curriculum will get you started with practical data science and data engineering in just 5 days:

Learn the theory and practice of data science and engineering using state of the art tools
Explore, visualize, and cluster data
Build and evaluate predictive models for classification and regression
Design online experiments
Build an end-to-end internet of things (IoT) solution.
Through hands-on exercises, you will be exposed to a variety of technologies: Hive, Spark, Mahout, Hadoop, stream processors, data ingestors.

For sample lessons, videos, exercises and quizzes, please visit the course curriculum page.

Click for a schedule of all of our upcoming bootcamps globally.



May 23, 2016
Event Categories:


Data Science Dojo
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Marriott at Redmond Town Center
7401 164th Avenue NE
Redmond, WA 98052 United States
+ Google Map
(425) 498-4000