Blogging Basics Part I & Part II “Your BLOG is the foundation of your Social Media Strategy!”
Place: Community Capital Development, 1437 S. Jackson St., Seattle, WA 98144
Date: Part I: Wed. May 11, 2011, Part II: Wed. May 18, 2011
Time: 10am – 12pm
Cost: **Introductory Rate $75
To Register, call: 206-324-4330 x 100
OR Email
Intrigued by the idea of blogging? Wondering what a blog is and what that means for your business? Want to write a blog, but don’t know where or how to get started? Like most businesses, if you are looking for a way to increase your exposure and connect with your community a blog is a great way to do that. This brown bag is designed to help you understand blogging and how it fits into your marketing plans.
Class Part I: How to Create a Blog
Class Part II: How to Work a Blog
Instructor: Wendy Ogryzek from BWyse
Wendy Ogryzek co-founded bWyse, a family-owned Internet marketing company specializing in web design, development and hosting eight years ago. Her expertiseincludes website design, navigation and usability, social media, low-cost marketing ideas, bulk email marketing and driving qualified traffic to websites. She and her firm assist small businesses to save and/or make money with their website and Internet solutions.