It’s no surprise that one of the journalists who broke the era-defining Watergate Scandal story does not shy away from controversy, a feat he has once again performed with the 2018 release of his 18th book ‘Fear’, a damning look at the current administration’s White House and the chaos within. Having once again caused a national furor, the veteran journalist returns to the road to talk ‘Fear’ and pass on further insights from his storied career as one of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue’s most venerated chroniclers.
A quiet revolutionary
A Washington Post staffer since 1971, Woodward, alongside his colleague Carl Bernstein became the world’s most famous journalists for their work exposing President Nixon in 1972, leading the to President’s eventual resignation. When his book, All The President’s Men came out and was subsequently adapted into a movie, this reputation was cemented, making both enduring figures in popular culture, alongside their all important source, the racily named Deep Throat.