CyanogenMod Presents Retheming Android, Seattle Android Developers
When: Tuesday, May 27, 2014, to
Where: Cyanogen Inc., 2701 1st Ave, Suite 500, Seattle
What: Android has always had a lot to offer those who wanted more control over their device experience. Alternate launchers, icon packs and widgets go a long way towards enabling the user to personalize their device. However, to truly take control of the OS look and feel outside of the top-level interaction components requires additional capabilities to be built into the operating system itself.
Previous contributions from Sony Mobile & T-Mobile supplemented by 6 months of work by Cyanogen Inc engineers Andy Mast and Clark Scheff have resulted in a new runtime theming engine for Android, released as part of the CyanogenMod operating system. Providing an unprecedented level of control, it allows theme builders to change the system UI appearance, re-style apps, change fonts, icons, systems sounds, and even provide a customized boot animation. In addition it seeks to make the creation of new themes less complex, allowing designers to avoid technical details and focus on what they do best. This all comes together to provide the end-user a powerful and modular means to express their tastes and aesthetics. Andy and Clark will give insight into some of the technical challenges they faced while making Android so thoroughly reskinnable. They’ll also provide an overview of how you can get started using the new engine to create your own themes.
How Much: Free
How: Register here.