Experiment Mapping Workshop, Lean Startup
When: Monday, June 3, 2013, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Where: SURF Incubator, 821 Second Ave., 8th Floor, Seattle
What: If you experiment just to see what happens, you’ll always be successful at seeing what happens. In this interactive Lean Startup workshop, they’ll introduce Experiment Mapping as a way to get the most out of your experiments. Lean Startup will speak about different types of experiments and how to prevent them from becoming decoupled from your value proposition and customer segments. So bring your startup ideas because this will be a hands on session.
Who: David Bland has enjoyed success using lean and agile techniques at several companies in San Francisco and Washington DC. David joined his first dot com startup in 1999 and helped lead it to a 13 million dollar acquisition in 2006. His current focus is bringing startup thinking into large organizations to foster corporate entrepreneurship. David can usually be found writing, speaking and coaching around lean startup, business model generation and kanban.
How Much: $10
How: RSVP online.