Food for Thought, Technology Alliance
When: Friday, February 14, 2014, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m,
Where: Rainer Club
What: The Science & Technology Discovery Series is a monthly breakfast program that highlights exciting breakthroughs in science and technology with exclusive presentations from our state’s leading researchers and technologists. The program is designed for business and community leaders who want to stay on top of important advancements being made at our innovative companies and research institutions. Speakers are experts in their fields and have included Nobel laureates and National Academies members.
Who: Hugh Hillhouse, Rehnberg Chair Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Washington
Topic: Printable solar cells
How Much:
Individual Memberships are $295 for the entire 9-breakfast program and are prorated as the season progresses. Membership is non-transferable, but includes 2 guest passes for the season.
Network Memberships provide the flexibility to share the experience with colleagues, clients, and friends. Network Memberships are $1,000 for the entire season and are prorated as the season progresses. A Network Membership enables your company or organization to send any four people to each breakfast, and Network Members receive recognition onscreen before and after each presentation.
How: Contact Katy Tollefson at (206) 389-7259 for more information or to register for the remainder of the current season.