*** Registration Instruction ****
*** RSVP: https://www.aicamp.ai/event/eventdetails/W2023111517
Join us for a power-packed night of learning, sharing, and networking at AI Dev Day – Seattle. We are excited to bring the AI developer community together to learn and discuss the latest trends, practical experiences, and best practices in the field of AI, LLMs, generative AI, and machine learning. In addition to the tech talks, there will be plenty of opportunities to network with AI developers, live demos, AI community showcases, panel discussion, and career opportunities.
Stay tuned as we are updating speakers and schedules.
If you have a keen interest in speaking to our community, we invite you to submit topics for consideration: [Submit Topics](https://forms.gle/JkMt91CZRtoJBSFUA)
We are actively seeking sponsors to support AI developers community. Whether it is by offering venue spaces, providing food, or cash sponsor. Sponsors will have the chance to speak at the meetups, receive prominent recognition, and gain exposure through post-event emails sent to our extensive membership base of 20,000+ local or 300K+ developers worldwide.
**Community on Slack**
– Event chat: chat and connect with speakers and attendees
– Sharing blogs, events, job openings, projects collaborations
[Join Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/aicampglobal/shared_invite/zt-25mh9qpe8-ypOsSq7Ul~4qCwzFGRV9kw) (search and join the #seattle channel)