Are you currently working with Gravity, Teleport, Kubernetes, or other cloud-native technologies? Are you looking for talks on deploying apps into restricted environments or across clouds, or interested in how to provide secure access to infrastructure that even your compliance officer could appreciate?
We’re Gravitational and we have recently opened an office in Seattle at Thinkspace. Our entire company is flying into Seattle to pop the cork and cut the ribbon on the new office. While we’re in town, we wanted to host a meetup with a couple of talks. Please join us!
While we are still planning details for the event, here’s what you can expect:
5:30pm: Doors open, beverages, pizza and mingle
6:15pm: Intros and hellos
6:20PM: Presentation: Kubernetes evolution in production: from a single option binary to a dictionary of choices .. or why MOAR options (usually) win
6:50 PM: Presentation: Bringing WireGuard and Kubernetes together: building the Wormhole project for encrypted Kubernetes networking
7:20 PM: Wrap up, mingle, drink, and goodnight!
There will be pizza, beer, sodas, and water. We are aiming to keep this casual and informative, there will be time for Q&A and discussion. Whether or not you’re using any Gravitational-related products you’re welcome to join us and hang out to enjoy the talks, food, and schmoozing.