Who: General Assembly
Where: General Assembly @WeWork,500 Yale Avenue N, Seattle, WA
When: Feb 21-22, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
What: Dive into the language of the web with a two-day workshop on intermediate JavaScript. This course takes a practical approach to the language, showing you how to apply basic programming concepts in JavaScript’s natural habitat, the browser. Through a series of in-class coding sessions and labs, you will learn to create dynamic, interactive web pages using JavaScript and its most widely-used library, jQuery.
FEB 20
Saturday, 20 February 10 am – 4 pm PST
Intermediate Javascript Bootcamp
This day will start with a a quick introduction to jQuery. We’ll learn how to use the jQuery library in conjunction with loops, conditionals, and functions to manipulate the DOM in an efficient and dynamic way. Then we’ll dive into browser events and learn how we can use them to make our websites interactive. The day will culminate in a discussion of some of the finer points of JavaScript functions and how to use them to make cleaner, better code. There will also be an optional take-home assignment in which you’ll have a chance to apply the concepts discussed throughout the day.
Feb 21
Sunday, 21 February 10 am – 4 pm PST
Intermediate Javascript Bootcamp
Day two will introduce two new important concepts–JavaScript animations and AJAX. We’ll learn how animations work and how to implement them in a website. We’ll then move on to using AJAX to update our website dynamically and to communicate with external APIs, allowing us to create content-rich websites almost instantly. The day will culminate in a discussion of how to create a good development workflow that employs best-practices and avoids common JavaScript gotchas.
Throughout the workshop, you will learn how to:
dynamically generate and modify HTML with jQuery
put a website in motion with animations
capture and use browser events to create interactive websites
grasp the basics of AJAX to create content-rich websites quickly
employ best-practices such as linting, organizing code into modules, and composing functions
Prereqs & Preparation
Students should have a strong grasp of HTML and CSS and should at least have a basic understanding of JavaScript (syntax, data-types, loops, and conditionals). Some jQuery experience would be beneficial but is not necessary.
Tools Needed Laptop, text-editor(Sublime, Atom, etc), Google Chrome web-browser