At this workshop series you will solidify your understanding of Fundamental JavaScript, furthering your knowledge and better preparing you for our Technical Interview.
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1 – JavaScript Mini Bootcamp Fundamentals I 6/15/19
2 – JavaScript Mini Bootcamp Fundamentals II 6/22/19
You’ll learn how to tackle some of the biggest challenges faced by those learning JavaScript. This is a highly interactive course that uses exercises and projects to drive home these JavaScript Fundamentals.
Topics covered:
JavaScript101 and How to compose and use functions in JavaScript
The mechanics of functions in JavaScript
How local and global scoping works
How the scope chain affects how you build JavaScript programs
Who this workshop is for:
This workshop is for beginners with limited JavaScript experience.
Optional Prep:
Udacity’s Intro to JavaScript course (estimated 10-12 hours to complete)
Gordon Zhu’s Watch and Code up to and including “Interlude – Data types and comparisons”
First four chapters of Eloquent JavaScript
What to bring:
Students will need to bring their own laptops! Windows, Mac or Linux will do it!
We look forward to meeting you!
About Galvanize
Galvanize is the premiere dynamic learning community for technology. With campuses located in booming technology sectors throughout the country, Galvanize provides a community for each the following:
Education – part-time and full-time training in web development, data science, and data engineering
Workspace – whether you’re a freelancer, startup, or established business, we provide beautiful spaces with a community dedicated to supporting your company’s growth
Networking – events in the tech industry happen constantly in our campuses, ranging from popular Meetups to multi-day international conferences
To learn more about Galvanize, visit galvanize.com.
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