March Madness Event, TechBrew+Ed
When: Thursday, March 21, 2013, 5:00-6:00pm – Technology Training, 6:00-9:00pm – Mixer
Where: Denali Slab Studio, 16120 Woodinville Redmond Road Northeast #15, Woodinville
What: Join in a new kind of March Madness, TechBrew+Ed, an educational, business networking event coupled with amazing local food, beer, wine, spirits and cigars.
TechBrew+Ed invites technology specialists, executives and directors in IT to join in an educational evening on the latest technologies and services — specifically servers, storage, IT management and professional services — on the market today.
Following the training, TechBrew+Ed will showcase local chefs, wineries, breweries, and distilleries to educate on culinary pairings and fine dining. Guests will also have access to an outdoor cigar bar to tastefully finish the night.
How Much: $25.00
How: Register online.