Maximize your Small Business Patent Advantage, Timothy E. Siegel Patent Law, PLLC
When: Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 8:00am – 9:00am
Where: First Floor Conference Room, Symetra Financial Center, 777 108th Ave NE
What: Presentation about the advantage that small businesses enjoy, because of their ability to have financially interested party available for every decision.
Who: If you run a small to medium sized manufacturing or technology enterprise, finding the right intellectual property (IP) attorney can mean the difference between success and failure. You need IP counsel that is not going to sink you with ultrahigh fees, but who understands patent strategy better than your competitors’ counsel. It may be in your interests to file for a patent, or it may not be, but it is always in your interests to have the benefit of savvy patent counsel to help you make decisions that are critical to the success of your enterprise. Experience the difference, when you contact my law firm.
Timothy E. Siegel Patent Law, PLLC, located in Bellevue, WA, is dedicated to providing independent inventors and small to mid-size companies in the Pacific Northwest with the most effective patent procurement and patent infringement defense counseling possible.
How Much: TBD
How: More information here.