Out of your skin: Understanding Culture & Difference, AIGA
When: Thursday, February 14, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.
Where: Webcast
What: Christopher Liechty, partner at Culture3, LLC and two-time AIGA Fellow will guide you through the process of discovering the fundamental differences between cultures. In the process, you will begin to see your own culture in ways that may be uncomfortable. Please join Christopher on February 21 as well for his webcast on “Global Zoom”.
AIGA will always play a role in inspiring designers and illuminating the practices of interesting and successful design professionals, educators and opinion leaders. The “AIGA Voices” series of webcasts features thoughtful and influential designers—including AIGA board members—speaking about a wide range of topics. These sessions will offer the kind of diverse and stimulating presentations associated with AIGA conferences, with one key difference: An opportunity for participants to ask questions and chat with the presenters.
Who: Christopher Liechty, partner at Culture3, LLC
Everyone is welcome to attend these sessions, which are open to the public.
How Much: Free
How: More information online