Patent Reform: Now What?, COJK
When: Thursday, April 4, 2013 at 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Where: COJK, 1420 Fifth Ave, Suite 2800, Seattle
What: As of March 16, 2013, all of the provisions of the America Invents Act (AIA) will be enacted and the United States will have transitioned to a first-inventor-to-file patent system.
COJK will present a program providing innovators and intellectual property managers with the information necessary to protect their inventions in the new first-to-file world. The presentation will identify best practices to employ moving forward, and discuss some of the changes in the law that can impact patent protection.
Topics to be discussed include:
Who: Please join COJK members Margie Aoki and Steve Parmelee to learn about the important next steps involved in protecting your intellectual property under the new laws enacted by the AIA.
How Much: Free
How: Register online.