VLab: Successful Seattle Bootstrapped Ventures, MITEF
When: Thursday, November 08, 2012 – 5:30pm – 8:30pm
Where: One Union Square Boardroom, 600 University Street, (First level) Seattle
What: These days, we hear a lot about new ways to raise money from investors, but investment can take many forms. It is easy to forget that 99.9% of all new ventures are started without turning to any outside investors and it isn’t always just about the money. There are many reasons entrepreneurs may never raise funds from outside investors, but choose instead to grow through personal income, loans from friends and family, sweat or home equity, operating at the lowest possible cost, credit cards, conventional bank borrowing, or cash derived from early sales. So how do you make this work? What do you watch out for along the way? On November 8, come hear from the leaders of two local Seattle bootstrapping success stories who will share their experiences and answer all of your burning questions.
How Much: Regular registration price, $25.00
How: Register online