eIQ: The Art of Conversion, Northwest Entrepreneur Network Seattle
When: Tuesday, October 23, 2012, 5:30PM – 7:30PM
Where: The Hub Seattle, 220 2nd Ave S, Seattle
What: Great design leads to great outcomes: your target audience doing exactly what you wanted them to do, your products or services shown in the best, most irresistible light, with just the information a potential customer wants; a shopping and checkout setup that is easy and convenient – leading to more sales.
Your specific goals may vary, but for most of us who are designing web sites, either directly or indirectly, the overarching goal is to “convert” site visitors into customers.
But how do you get to that just-right design? The one that target users respond to intuitively?
Unfortunately, there isn’t a cut-and-dried recipe to follow that results in bang-up conversion rates. There are however, design paradigms and insights we can apply to each situation to drive conversion – how people think, design elements that have a history of increasing conversion, etc. – and we’ll talk about them in this seminar.
Who: Charlie Claxton, Vice President, Creative Produxs will present this event.
How Much: $15 general ticket, $5 for students
How: Purchase tickets online.