Shaping Your Future: Authentic Leadership and the Power of Negotiation, WBE
When: Friday, January 16, 2015, 07:30 am – 11:30 am
Where: Women’s University Club, 1105 Sixth Avenue, Seattle
What: There is consistent evidence that men are four times more likely than women to initiate negotiations to advance their own interests, ranging from salary increases to important project assignments and beyond. How does this fit with your experience, and what does it mean for your career, your company, and your life? More importantly, what can you do about it?
Do you have a sneaking suspicion that you have missed meaningful opportunities to negotiate? Maybe it was your compensation package with the board or your manager, your consulting fee with a new client, or a complex and exciting project assignment. Or maybe you KNOW that you avoid negotiating, whether from a fear of conflict, rejection, asking too much, or being seen as too demanding. Perhaps you’re just not sure it’s worth risking a backlash, because men and women ARE perceived differently in negotiations.
What you’ll take away:
Whether you’re an executive, employee, or running your own business, these are the results you can expect from this engaging and thought-provoking workshop:
Goals for the day:
How Much: $79 – $129
How: Register here.