When: Thursday, April 24th 2014, 1:30 – 5:30 PM
Where: Puget Sound Confernece Room, 1918 Eighth Avenue, Seattle
What: You are cordially invited to attend the Real Estate Investment Forum to hear a panel of northwest real estate experts including fund managers, developers, market analysts, and investors discuss the current market trends and investment opportunities. Topics will include the status of the credit markets, lingering distressed opportunities, bank notes, land development and commercial and residential investment opportunities. This forum will address which asset classes present the best opportunities and how investors can best access and capitalize on these opportunities.
Who: Panelists include:
Martin Stever, President, Pacific West Land
Richard Gollis, Principal, The Concord Group
David McKinney, President, Wilkinson Corporation
Ken Johnsen, Principal, Shiels | Obletz | Johnsen, Waterfront Redevelopment
Benjamin Franz-Knight, Executive Director, Pike Place Market
How Much: $40 Pre-Registration, $60 at the Door
How: Register here.