Storytelling, Sharing and Making, AIGA
When: Wednesday, June 19, 2013, 7:30AM – 9:00AM
Where: Il Fornaio
What: It’s hard to ignore the power of storytelling, stoies document our histories, educate and entertain us, and at their best they inspire us into action. In the cluttered world of individuals and brands fighting for attention, a great story could be the way to get in front of the crowd. In this presentation you will learn what makes a great story, how to develop your own, and explore the changing approach to storytelling and story making.
“Stories make it easier to understand the world. Stories are the only way we know to spread an idea. Marketers didn’t invent storytelling. They just perfected it.” – Seth Godin
Who: Ann DeOtte Kaufman is a freelance marketing enthusiast and the owner of Iva Jean. A bit of a Swiss Army Knife – marketing professional, designer, bike rider, entrepreneur, interpretive dancer, and sun seeker – Ann approaches each opportunity with a broad perspective. She has more than nine years of professional services marketing experience and has worked with small and large design firms and organizations, including ARCADE, SkB Architects, Mithun and Berger Partnership. She works with these organizations to develop and implement effective strategies that thoughtfully convey their brand and mission while balancing business goals, customer needs and design sensibility. Ann and her work have been featured in Huffington Post, Fast Company, Sunset, Trend Hunter and Cup of Jo.
How Much: AIGA members: $25, Nonmembers: $40
How: Register online.