Turning Ideas Into Success, WSTA
When: Thursday, June 20, 2013, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
What: You are the owner of a start-up, early stage or established company here in Kitsap County. You have an idea, and you want to turn it into a company. You have good products and services, but you want to make them better. You have a great team, and you want to improve it as your company grows. You see today as a snapshot in time, a point on your growth curve. You look to the future and see your company at the “next level.” You can do it all by yourself, but you can do it faster with a little help from volunteer mentors who’ve been there, done that. What will your next level look like?
Who: Ken Sethney, Founder, XLR8 Kitsap
How Much: Member and w/Guest Pass- Free, Non-Member- $10
How: Register online.