Washington Equity Crowdfunding Summit, North Seattle College Entrepreneur Success Center
When: Thursday, Aug 7, 2014 – 5 PM to 8:30 PM
Where: North Seattle College – Atrium of HSSR Building
What: A state law passed earlier this year opens equity crowdfunding to ordinary investors, making it easier for startups and small businesses to sell shares to raise money. Now you have the opportunity to get the latest updates from the state legislator, regulators, and crowdfunding experts who wrote, passed, and are implementing this law.
Speakers include:
Representative Cyrus Habib
Washington State House of Representatives
Cyrus was the key sponsor of House Bill 2023 (Washington Jobs Act of 2014) that brought equity crowdfunding to Washington businesses. He is also an attorney, law professor, and represents Washington’s 48th Legislative District.
How Much: $20 suggested donation
How: Register here.