Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Latest Past Events


State Capitol Legislative Building Olympia

LEARN: Come learn how to code and program while being mentored by FIRST Washington high school student teams. FRIENDLY COMPETITION: Once you’ve gone through some simple training with our high school students, there will be a friendly competition between the four caucuses using this season’s FIRST LEGO League competition format. FORM TEAMS: State lawmakers, both […]

Automated Web Scraping

Data Science Dojo 2205 152nd Ave NE, Redmond

What is this Meetup about? How to automatically web scrape so you can analyze timely/frequently updated data. There are many blogs and tutorials that teach you how to scrape data from a bunch of web pages once and then you’re done. But one-off web scraping is not useful for many applications that require sentiment analysis […]

Minecraft Winter Camp for kids 8-14 in Bothell!

Mighty Coders 12035 124TH AVE NE, Kirkland

Minecraft three day Winter camps challenge students to be creative thinkers, problem-solvers, and developers. Throughout the camps, students learn new concepts and master skills in game development and modding in Minecraft. We encourage students to ask questions and think critically as they design, test, and build their own unique projects in Minecraft. Schedule Session 1: […]
