Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Flash Forward: Implications of The Top 2019 Technology Predictions

Clark Nuber PS Offices 10900 NE 4th Street, Bellevue, WA, United States

Gartner's predictions reflect the advancement of technologies that have the potential to reshape existing business models and quickly create new ones. The challenge for CIOs and C-level leaders is how to take advantage of new digital business models that deliver services revenue while not forgetting the customer perspective first. Join Magna5 as we host a panel discussion with […]


Alexa Product UX: Voice-Driven Products

Zillow HQ Seattle 1301 2nd Avenue, Seattle, United States

Over the long-term, voice-driven products could be more disruptive than mobile products. As a result, how do product and design approaches need to evolve and adapt to make way for digital voice innovation? Alexa fmr Product UX lead Phillip Hunter will break down the anatomy of interactive voice products – outlining the opportunity landscape and […]


UW Japanese collaboration: Intelligence in Data Symposium

University of Washington, Alder Auditorium 1310 NE 40th Street, Seattle, WA, United States

In the age of Machine Learning and AI, the success of a system depends heavily on the data. To train an AI model, you need a good quality data and that data must be collected, organized and structured in an intelligent way. So much so that much of the AI system development is structured around […]

Japan Seattle AI Innovation meetup 11.0 + Seattle Innovation Investor Track 2.0

Columbia Center--40th Floor 701 5th Avenue, Seattle

Japan-Seattle AI Innovation Meetup 11.0 and Seattle Innovation Investors Track 2.0 sponsored by Innovation Finders Capital (IFC), the Washington State Department of Commerce, and Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe  This is a double feature event that should result in your meeting with delegations, one-on-one on the following day. AI Innovation Investors Track 9:30AM 24th Jan 2019 […]