Home Jobs Board Metro Transit, City of Seattle, Webmaster

Metro Transit, City of Seattle, Webmaster

Date: 7/16/10
Who: Metro Transit, City of Seattle
Position: Webmaster
Where: Seattle
This new position will serve as webmaster for Metro Transit. It will have primary hands-on responsibility for designing, updating and maintaining the Metro Online website (www.kingcounty.gov/metro).
Responsibilities: As a part of the Marketing and Service Information group, you will interact dynamically with several Metro workgroups including IT, Bus and Rail Operations, Sales and Customer Services, Paratransit Accessible Services and Rideshare Operations and others. You will chair and lead a Transit Division website development/management team, consisting of representatives from Marketing, Customer Service, Customer Information Technology and Resources Staff (CITRS), other Transit Webpage managers, KC Information Technology (KCIT) and Department of Transportation (DOT) Communications. You will also: Develop and implement a work plan for changes to Transit’s Web structure with input from multiple sources, which could include focus groups and organizations utilizing best management practices. Incorporate plans for continuous improvement and updating of the work plans. Develop and monitor performance measures for usability, effectiveness and satisfaction of the Web site. Utilize knowledge of application programming, database design and system security to communicate Web site capabilities to non-technical clients and discuss client needs and alternatives with back-end KCIT technical development staff. Utilize advanced and detailed knowledge of Web information architecture, interface design and other website-related technological principles to maximize utilization of our web presence. Develop specifications on Web site-related projects and review products to ensure architectural consistency. Assist marketing with customer retention and acquisition programs by leveraging the web and digital media to provide a broader and deeper means of communicating and maintaining a dialogue with customers. Serve as primary point-of-contact for internet-related project and service requests. Develop and manage any necessary budgets related to overall website maintenance and enhancement. For a complete description, see online.
Requirements: Strong experience developing and managing website communications strategies and functionalities, with an emphasis on the marketing function, of businesses or other entities.Experience redesigning complex Web sites to rebrand and increase usability and effectiveness of internet communications with customers by supplementing customer service techniques with up-to-date marketing techniques, including interactive tools for increased public interface. Experience and knowledge of internet-based commerce (e-commerce) strategies and practices.Experience with and ability to use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) principles and/or software. Experience in developing integrated online marketing, e-mail, promotional and branding campaigns Experience and/or knowledge of mobile web applications. Demonstrated experience gaining broad understanding of client systems and business needs and engaging effectively with multiple business line representatives to convert client needs into system requirements BS degree or equivalent.
Contact: Apply online at http://www.kingcounty.gov/jobs if you cannot apply online, go to www.kingcounty.gov/jobs for other options. Alternate formats of this announcement are available by e-mailing hrcentral@kingcounty.gov or calling 206-296-7340.