Home Jobs Board Creative Director, Web Design, Customerville

Creative Director, Web Design, Customerville

Who: Customerville
Position: Creative Director, Web Design
Where: Seattle
What: We need a big vision, awesome Creative Director who is ready to infuse energy and creativity into a wide swathe of our business!
For nearly 10 years, Customerville has built up a list of loyal clients in a wide array of industries. (And countries, too.) We’ve become known for a positive approach to getting customer feedback which employees like, and a simplicity of execution that companies find easy to adopt. Our software works great, but the help we give our clients is also an important part of what makes us successful.

Over the last couple of years we have been evolving our branding to something a bit more creative and readily identifiable as our “look”. Your job will involve a rich array of design and projects which will not only serve to crystallize that look into some firmer guidelines, but also infuse everything from our website to our user interface and publications with that same identifiable aesthetic. In short, it’s time to get awesome.


You will work closely with Customerville’s founder to bring our new website to completion. In the course of doing this, we will make the choices that firm up our look. We’re looking for something crisp, fresh and more artistic than normal corporate communications.

• Formalize our total look; colors, art, fonts, style. Create a style guide.
• Work with our president to edit/complete 3 or 4 small videos for the website.
• Port in our old blog posts, using that time to study the writing style.
• We’ll pick a few of the more popular blog posts and covert them into magazine article-length “Guides”. Each guide will have a distinct, artistic look. (Mailchimp did an excellent job of this.)

Update our Standard PowerPoint
Update our standard PowerPoint (or Keynote presentation) to reflect our new branding. You’ll also be called on to customize this deck for larger sales presentations.

Total UX Review
Over time you’ll learn the ins and outs of our software. It’s easy. What we’ll be looking to do by November and December is to make significant aesthetic improvements with the goal of subtly infusing our UX with elements of our design philosophy. Our system is simple and great to use, but it’s not always pretty. We want to get to simple, powerful and pretty. And awesome.

E-publications are how we package up customer experience data in usable ways and automatically e-mail that info to employees within our client companies. These are simple right now, but we’ve developed the technology that allows us to make them much richer. Quite soon — possibly before we get into improving the dashboard software itself — we will look to develop a series of extremely good-looking E-publications.

Production Management
Whenever we sign up a new client, you’ll be responsible for developing all of the graphics necessary for the launch and “shipping” them to our developer. (This means posting them to BaseCamp.)

Training Materials
We create training materials for our clients whenever we launch with a new one. We’ve been improving how we do this, but it’s time to step this up even more.
We have much of the content for the documents we send, as well as a general template for the training videos.
Now it’s time to lock in a template for these things. You’ll be responsible for that, and then for creating a new version whenever we sign a new client.

Wild Cards
You never know what will come up! Flexibility is key.

Contact: We’ll be interviewing on Monday and Tuesday next week, so please email resume and link or PDF to your portfolio including web design and video experience to shutchings@customerville.com