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Seattle’s First International Search Summit Kicks Off Localization World 2010

The crossroads of the online world in two essential, international disciplines, Search Marketing and Web Localization, both vital to “going global,” conducting international business,...

Internet Marketing Director (SEO), Optify

Who: Optify Position: Internet Marketing Director (SEO) Where: Seattle (Downtown) What: Optify is seeking an Internet Marketing Specialist who will work with our leading edge applications to...

IE 9 A Thing of Beauty, Win 7 Phone Not on...

The long awaited beta release of Internet Explorer 9 has arrived. While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the new Web browser's...

Yahoo! Er, We Mean Whoopee! Seattle Storm is #1, Bing is...

For the first time in the history of Internet  search engines, Microsoft is in the runner up position! The entity known as the MSN/Windows Live/Bing...

Vanessa Fox Spills the Google Beans in Marketing in the Age...

If the Internet were a sovereign government (which some may argue it is on the basis of its universal protocols and democratic access to...

You Are What You Optimize -or- Why You (Seriously) Need SEO...

By Larry Sivitz "You can't hang on without a handle," a hall-of-fame, "Mad Men" era marketing pundit once said to me. Nowhere is that axiom...

Danny Sullivan Brings SMX Advanced, the Search Industy’s First Advanced Search...

You can't help but admire Danny Sullivan. His affable good nature, pleasing yet persuasive presentation skills, and uncanny understanding of the dynamics of search...