Saturday, September 7, 2024

Advisor X

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Linking Teamwork to the Business Strategy

by Cris Hagen, MS Strategic Team Building: Using “Hard” and “Soft” Tools to Improve Team and Business Performance Do you know your MBTI personality type?...

2 Ways to Increase Customer Retention Via Facebook Advertising

by Corey Christiansen Repeat customers make up the majority of sales for many businesses, sometimes as much as 80%, yet repeat customers tend to be overlooked...

Why Online? Because Interactivity Provides Powerful Brand Boost

by Dave Chase, MSN Industry Relations Director Internet publishers work hard to persuade advertisers that we're not too different from other media. We offer the...

eCRM – Building relationships online?

By Donal Daly 3.2.2001 Too many companies undertaking marketing campaigns focus their efforts on acquiring new customers while ignoring existing ones. In today’s competitive environment this...

Raising Small Money

By Marilyn J. Holt, Holt Capital Money is the lifeblood of any company, but early-stage companies are too immature to generate their own, so...

Smaller budgets create an opportunity to brand differently

by F. Joseph LePla Like few before it, this current downturn has taken a toll on brand and marketing budgets. Business magazines, once fat with...

Positioning starts with a message strategy

By Lawson Abinanti, Messages that Matter If positioning is one of the most misunderstood concepts in business-to-business (B2B) software marketing - and it is -...

“Streamies” Emerge as Elite Web Shoppers: Online Advertisers Taking Notice

by Karen Howe Approximately 50 million Americans have used Internet audio or video in the last month . This and other findings from a new...

Re-thinking Compliance Management A 4-Step Approach to Holistically and Organically Reducing...

by Kim MacKay, CEO, Lucidoc Corporation Compliance management often sounds about as exciting as Accounting 101 sounds to the non-finance major. Part of the reason...

Seattle’s Tech Oscar Night Approaches. Where Will You Be on Feb...

by Katie Douglas. As the evening of February 24th approaches the WTIA staff is buzzing with excitement about the most grandiose event our association holds...