Wednesday, September 25, 2024


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Seattle Weekly Web Winners

Seattle Weekly’s first annual Best of the Web Awards 2010 – a celebration of the best of Seattle’s Web and Social Media scene --...

Zebigo Rides Into Town

Need a lift?, a new, national, on-demand ride sharing community for drivers and riders, is launching a unique service in Seattle, Bellevue, and...

Should Microsoft Acquire Adobe?

Microsoft can’t undercut Android on price, and it seems increasingly unlikely that they can beat Android or iPhone in terms of features or experience....

Twitter Acquires Cloudhopper

Over the last eight months Twitter has been working with Seattle startup Cloudhopper to become one of the highest volume SMS programs in the...

Facebook Moving In, Arrington Hot On the Trail

Like a SuperCollider with Microsoft at the atomic nucleus of Northwest techdom, and Google well entrenched in its Kirkland lakefront quarters, the next incredible...

HP Buys Palm, MS Tabula Rasa

The biggest tech headlines of the past two weeks have reverberated into Redmond and the sound that has echoed back has been that of...

Return of the FCC, Bing Plays Hoops

Put speaking out for a fair and open Internet on your agenda this Tuesday and Wednesday when the FCC returns to Seattle with a...

Seattle TEDx is SRO

TEDx, a unique speaker's forum presenting thought leaders and their ellucidating insights in Technology, Entertainment and Design, packed a sold-out house at Seattle's Pacific...

Microsoft’s Next of Kin

Microsoft debuted a new breed of Social phone this week --- dubbed Kin1 and Kin 2 -- the result of a partnership with Verizon...

iPad Lands in Seattle, Drinks Latte App!

It's a slate. It's a micro-tablet. It's a "Kindle killer" in sheep's clothing. No, it's the much heralded Apple iPad, the newfangled "talk to"...