Saturday, December 28, 2024


Home People Page 10

Recycling Tech from Fremont to the World

Ten years ago Charles Brennick returned from Costa Rica with a desire to help underserved communities around the world gain access to technology and...

Seattle’s Prodigal Son Returns to Debunk Google Quality Score Myths

Since the dawn of the digital age, the most potent ideas have been described as being the most "disruptive" for their transformative power to...

Gus Mueller Scales the Rocky Heights and Jagged Edges of Image...

As every climber knows, it is an inner fire which must be stoked in order to defy gravity and ascend the vertical path that...

WordPress “Dunn” Right by Coach Bob Dunn

As many a Seattle blogger can tell you, the goal of getting a WordPress blog done vs. getting it done right can mean getting...

Want it? Just ask! Zaarly is the Ultimate Buyer’s Market says...

"I will pay $50 for 2 tickets to Laser Bieber at the Pacific Science Center!" ""I will pay $300 for two box seats at...

The Web-Savvy Patient & Andrew Schorr Could Save Your Life!

"I am a man who was at the wrong place at the right time," writes Andrew Schorr, author of "The Web-Savvy Patient, An Insider's...

Andrew Thornhill is at the DTV Tipping Point

According to  Malcolm Gladwell, the social theorist and best selling author of the seminal work, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a...

Gates Foundation Letter Seeks to Prevent Global Instability

Bill Gates has released his 2011 Annual Letter on behalf of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the third such letter since the tech...

Taking Control of the iPhone 4 with Karen G. Anderson

If you haven't yet discovered the Take Control catalogue of eBooks, the easiest-to-grok, human-sized, How To trail guides of the most popular hardware...

One Day’s Wages: Let’s Social Mediate Global Poverty

The fight to end global poverty is an epic struggle wrapped in a paradox. Eugene Cho has confronted  the reality distortion field first hand...