Friday, March 28, 2025


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To Bing or Not to Bing, That Is Her Question

Christi Olson On the Differences of Bing & the Difference It Makes True or false? Google and Bing are pretty much alike.  To the Web newbie, or...

The Web Quarry at Seattle’s Saltmine First of Three Parts

I first met Saltmine co-founder and CEO Jay Jarmon in the summer of 1995, an eon ago in Web time. Meeting inside his...

Chairing the “Sea Changes” in Seattle

Incoming Chamber Chair and WTIA Vice Chair, Heather Redman, On Taking the Lead If it’s a Monday, you’re likely to find Heather Redman in her office at...

Workers of the Web World, Unite: Seattle24x7 Talks Union Shop with...

The way Marcus Courtney sees it, a significantly large and ever-increasing number of technology workers in Washington state would be a whole...

“Minding Your Business” Seattle Radio Show Makes Weekends “Prime Time” for...

Like clockwork, every Saturday afternoon from 1-2p.m. on “MoneyTalk Radio,” 1300 KKOL AM, marketing strategist Robbin Block gives up a bit of her weekend to make...

iCARumba Is Getting Ready to Roll

After 20 years at Goodyear Tire and Rubber, Debra Walker decided to take a walk on the wild side: she and Ken ...

RealArcade is the Real Deal!

RealNetwork's RealArcade Group is out to change the way you think about buying and playing games online. Early results would indicate their...

Seattle’s Virtual “Double Down” Casino Sold for $500 Million

Cashing in on online poker may still be illegal in the state of Washington but free-to-play Video Poker, Blackjack, Slots, Roulette and other online...

Can VoteHere Save American Elections – and the Free World?

This November, for the first time in American history, around 50 million Americans used electronic voting machines similar to ATMs. What separated...

Location-Enhanced Gaming as Easy as SDK: PlacePlay Promises Game Devs a...

by Larry Sivitz Could WHERE you play your favorite mobile game in the future, and the way  it  responds to your surroundings, create a more...