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A Quantum Leap for Microsoft: the Majorna Topological Qubit
What would the world look like with a computer that could accurately model the laws of nature? That's the promise of quantum computing.
From MS-DOS to MSN, Preston Gates & Ellis Keeps Making History
In 1883, 25-year-old Harold Preston arrived in Seattle by train from Iowa. He quickly established a solo law practice, before laying the ...
SEO On Wheels: Seattle’s Cobalt Dominates Automotive SEO
Across from the 50-yard line of CenturyLink Field, a dedicated "offensive line" goes to work daily on a high-impact, hard-hitting, "advance the ball" game plan, albeit...
Dollars to Donuts, Bellevue Startup is “Domain Nuts” for Millions in...
These are some of the sweetest numbers Northwest tech has seen in some time.
First bite: Donuts Inc., a Bellevue-based startup, has a $100M head...
The PR #for Which WE Stands
Sally Ride had just become the first American woman in space. Motorola introduced the first mobile phones to the United States. Microsoft launched Word,...
InfoSpace Wants to Be Your Significant “Other” Search Engine
InfoSpace could be considered the Puget Sound Internet scene's "Soul Survivor." Without question, the company that today controls four of the Web's...
A Day in the Life of a Seattle Search Marketer
When your forward-thinking editor first began practicing the fine art of search engine marketing, before such buzzworthy concepts as Largest Contentful Paint, First Input... Writing Great Fiction
"You and a client spend $200 at a strip club; how do you get your company to pick up the tab?" This is...
Don’t Wait, Innovate: The Seattle24x7 “How-To” Interview on Strategic Management...
Game changer. Paradigm shifter. Business disruptor.
There’s nothing quite as powerful as an innovative idea. That sterling moment of enlightenment when the solution to...
Creative Digital Consulting: Deloitte Digital’s 2020 Vision
Marion Street in midtown Seattle sits at a crossroads between time and terrain, the city’s pioneering past and its panoramic future. Its ascent is one of...